Viability ANAlysis

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Project Size

345,000 sq ft/32,000 sqm


  • Honolulu has an established retail presence, both freestanding on Kalakaua Avenue and at the Ala Moana Mall.

  • Unique site: there was previously no available retail real estate in the prime Waikiki area until the International Marketplace site became available.

  • Due to the existing site, the footprint of the center is long and narrow, with only one main entrance, so this challenge had to be addressed and overcome.

RBA’s Scope of Work

  • RBA was hired by the Taubman Group to assess the viability of a multi-brand department store in the International Marketplace and identify the optimal tenant assortment and layout to include in the mall.

  • RBA worked with Saks Fifth Avenue to determine the viability of this location for a store based in the market research as well as customer and competitive analysis.

  • RBA made presentations to 30 top brand executives to confirm interest in the project which secured the necessary Saks brand matrix, enabling them to sign on and Taubman to proceed with the development, despite an already established retail market.